How to prepare an açaí bowl, the healthiest breakfast

acai bowl recipe

How to prepare an açaí bowl, the healthiest breakfast

The açaí bowl is one of the best ways to start the day. The best breakfast and the healthiest when we need energy to endure the morning. Its preparation is simple: just mix grind milk, açaí powder and frozen fruit. Then, we can also decorate it with either cereals, seeds, nuts or whatever other option we like.

The açaí is considered a superfood, as it is antioxidant, rich in calcium, protein and fiber, and much more. It helps maintain a strong immune system and prevent cardiovascular disease. These berries, which look a lot like blueberries, are grown in Brazil and arrive in the UK dehydrated and pulverized.

Ingredients: For 2 people Banana (frozen) :2 Blueberries (frozen): 40 Raspberries (frozen): 25 Almonds: 6 Milk: 150 ml Ground Açai 5 g Poppy seeds Oat flakes Apples

How to make açai bowl: Difficulty: Easy Total time: 10 minutes Preparation: 10 minutes.  In order to prepare the açai bowl it is recommended to use frozen fruit so that the consistency is creamy. Therefore, we recommend to peel, cut in slices and freeze the bananas before its preparation. In addition, we also consider that the blueberries and raspberries to be used, will be frozen in advance. In a mixer glass, we put the frozen fruit together with the almonds.

We include half of the milk and the ground açai. Blend all the ingredients together to form a smooth paste and check its consistency. Slowly add the remaining milk and blend it again until the desired thickness of mixture is achieved.

It is very important to have a powerful mixer, as the frozen pieces of fruit can offer significant resistance. An açai bowl taken together with a cup of tea or coffee should be more than sufficient to help you reach your lunch time full of energy without any need to snack between

2019-10-14 07:56:00 1871 viewed

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